Small Things Mid-Year Report 2022

Letter from the Executive Director Vito Baldini

Small Things is in year two of operations and has begun to stabilize and sustain as an organization. I am so grateful to all of you who have helped us grow from a single event to a strong non-profit battling poverty across the region. 

Now is not the time to stop, but it is the time to consider where we want to go.

As a result of a grant we received from Compass (a non-profit consulting group), we spent several months focusing on our strategic alignment. With help from organizational experts in several fields, we evaluated, assessed, and discussed as a staff and a board what could be next for us in the battle against poverty. We decided that we still want to distribute food in the Philadelphia region, but there is more we can do. Going forward, we want to focus on key partners and communities and help them build out their services beyond food.

We firmly believe that food matters. It gives us entrée to people’s lives. And because people trust us with food, they might also allow us to provide additional help through something like a community center that also addresses the root causes of poverty. We believe this next phase for Small Things will do even more to serve the region. More details to come!

Our continued thanks to all the churches, volunteers, donors, and non-profits that have helped us get this far. This unique network of committed partners has helped us respond to real needs during the pandemic. We hope you will continue to partner with us as we find new approaches to combat the effects of poverty in Philadelphia.

Rev. Vito Baldini
Executive Director, Small Things

Mid-Year Stats at a Glance

  • 3,600,000 Pounds of food distributed

  • 116,000 Meals distributed each week

  • 1,023 Volunteer opportunities filled

  • 2,064 Volunteer hours served

  • 80 Active food partners

  • 13 Small Things employees

  • 40 Zip codes served

  • 195,770 Grant income received

    • $63,770 Compass Consulting Services (value of in-kind services)

    • $10,000 Essex County Community Foundation

    • $27,000 WW Smith Charitable Trust

    • $10,000 Leo & Peggy Pierce Family Foundation

    • $40,000 The McLean Contributionship

    • $25,000 Patricia Kind Family Foundation

    • $20,000 Community Champions Award

Thank you so much to all of our generous and faithful donors and volunteers. We cannot do what we do without you!

The Small Things Team


September is Hunger Action Month